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Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Friday, January 23, 2009

Following extract is from the link below.

Those who refuse to criticize Israel even when it acts foolishly surely think they are helping the Jewish state. They are wrong. In fact, they are false friends, because their silence, or worse, their cheerleading, merely encourages Israel to continue potentially disastrous courses of action. Israel could use some honest advice these days, and it would make eminently good sense if its closest ally were able to provide it. Ideally, this advice would come from the president, the secretary of state, and prominent members of Congress -- speaking as openly as some politicians in other democracies do. But that's unlikely to happen, because Israel's supporters make it almost impossible for Washington to do anything but reflexively back Israel's actions, whether they make sense or not. And they often do not these days.

Read on . . .


  1. Did you critisize the mass genocide of 400,000 blacks by MUSLIM Sudanese in Darfur?

    Did you critisize the mass murder of thousands of Kurds by MUSLIM Turks?


    Isral is guilty in everything!

  2. Who needs enemies when you have a "friend" like israel ...

  3. Michael, I remember with great fondness and admiration the refugee children I taught (Intensive English Unit) from both wars you mention - and their families. Are you trying to divert attention away from what Israel has been doing, and continues to do in Gaza? You do well what your Israeli government does well too - attempt to divert the focus away from the real issue of today GAZA, and recent atrocities and the atrocities throughout the whole of their occupation - which continues today, even though they say they are withdrawing. Their occupation will be infinitely more oppressive now because of their recent murderous rampage. Yes Michael, as distasteful as it is to you, and in your words, "Israel IS guilty of everything" it is accused of in this post. I'm sorry for those of you who find it so hard to believe. No one wanted to believe what was happening in the holocaust either. People don't like to believe such things of their own country so they live in denial and try with all their might to defend it. But it is real and true Michael.

    I'm with you Anne. Israel, a self-professed friend of Palestine . . . is it possible to find a more aggressive, abusive enemy?

  4. hmm...What exactly is palestine? or palestinians? What genocide? What drugs did you take darling?

  5. The main problem is that the world is obssessed with what happening in Israel. No one opens his eyes to see the big picture. All fault is always Israeli. All blame is always Israeli.

    Do you really expect Israel to sit back and relax and see their citizens get butchered by crazy islamists? Who will defend them? Will you do that? Just like the whole world didn't give a place to hide away from the Nazis, it will sit silent now, when the successors of the Nazis trying to finish their work.

    I do have the right to live in peace. Just like you do.

  6. Michael, if Palestinians were doing to Israel what Israel is doing to Palestinians - do you know what the result would be? Palestine would wear the wrath of the Western world and be blasted off the face of the planet by the United States and it's blindly following allies.

    By the way, 'islamists' is not really a word, it's widely used as one of late but the word is 'Muslims'. But then language is metamorphic, it changes over time. And I'd be crazy too, so would you, if you were subjected to what they are subjected to on a daily basis.

    The blame is on Israel because Israel is to blame - does that make sense to you?

    Israel citizens are victims of their own countries policy to oppress Palestinians to the point where they retaliate (a word Israel thinks is exclusive the themselves) - they can't defend themselves as Israel can, because they don't have the means to. They are at the mercy of Israel who shows NO mercy and hasn't for decades. As for who will 'defend Israel citizens' - they are SUPPOSEDLY being 'defended' by the IDF backed by US. And they are not defending they are attacking and engaged in genocide.

    As for the Nazis and the Holocaust. It's happening all over again but this time it's Israel who are the Nazis and Palestinians who are the Jews - metaphorically speaking.

    Yes you have the right to peace, and so do I, and so do Palestinians. Their peace has been dream, a hope for a long long time. Occupation is NOT peace!

    Tell me Michael, would you rather be living in peace but occupied by another country - like Palestinians? Or would you prefer it the way it is now for you. Your country invading and occupying another. If the situation were reversed - and your peoples country turned to rubble, and your family and neighbors butchered, old people, women children, men - the majority just civilians, with nothing to defend yourself with, with no one coming to your rescue, and then to have the invaders once again occupy your country and start the whole cycle going again - how would you like that? Would you or your friends be tempted to throw stones like the teenage boys of Gaza who were then brutally bashed or shot by Israeli snipers for doing that. Would you be tempted to make some kind of attempt to retaliate with anything, no matter how pathetic it was compared to the weapons of the occupiers and invaders. And after years of this, many or all of your family, friends killed or horrendously injured, or dealt with in such brutal ways - would you be tempted to give up on your life and in so doing make a last ditch attempt at retaliation?

  7. Terror against Jews in Israel has started before 1967, before 1948 (creation of Israel).

    So how can you justify terror against my country when your reason is "occupation"?
    When there was no Israel, there was terror against my people here, in my holy land, in the land of my anccesstors?

    How can you say that palestinians (sorry, arabs. There is no palestinian people) are peaceful, when agreeements that had been made with them (Oslo) are not fulfilled at all. When former Israeli PM Barak offered them a country in 1967 borders, the peacefull Yassir Arafat (who was egyptian) refused and started the second intifada? What is so peacefull?

    Those people are rules by holocaust deniers with the sole idea of destruction of Israel, even if they will kill all of thier people. Don't you see that? Didn't you read that Hamas's platform is to make Israel dissapear? It is written in black and white in their platform, go and read!

    Why did the UN created the UNWRA for the palestinians while ALL of the worlds refugees use the help of UNCR?
    Why did the palestinians held in prison camps for nearly 60 years? Isn't that the job of UNWRA to help them to enter the soceity and stop being refugees? What is the reason that palestinians refugees are different from Armenian refugees, or Pakistani refugees?
    Do you see Bosniak refugee camps? Bolgarians? Armenian? Georgian? Anyone?
    Only palestinians are held as prisoners for 60 years with the sole purpose of destroying the state of Israel while the innocent people suffer. Their goal is to get the "right of return" (Destroying the majority of Jews in Israel), and getting a second state in 1967 borders (As Hamas claims, that is not enough!! We want it ALL!).

    You justify terror against Israel. Well, ok, I don't expect anything else from you.
    How do you justify Islamic terror against Australia? Spain? Britain? USA? Iraq? Sudan? Aljeria?
    Who did they occupy?

    About Nazis, did you know that the great book of "Mein Kampf" is a bestseller in some Islamic states? Did you know that the "legendary" leader of palestinians was a true friend of the Nazi regime?

    The world needs to wake up. After muslims will finish with Israel, europe is next to conquer. Their religion is a religion of destruction and darkness.....

  8. PS2

    There will be no wrath against Palestinians if the sides were opposite. Do you see any wrath against the genocide in Darfur? Did you see any wrath against the genocide in Rwanda 15 years ago? Any wrath against the genocide of Armenia in 1915? Any wrath against mass murder of Kurds?

    Only silence. The world is obssesed with the "genocide" that Israel making. The muslim world is the biggest butcherer of muslims, but Israel is doing "mass murder" and ghettos.

    Some data :

    Conflicts since 1950 with over 10,000 Fatalities*

    6 1,900,000 Sudan, 1955-72; 1983-2006 (civil wars, genocides)

    9 1,800,000 Afghanistan: Soviet and internecine killings, Taliban 1980-2001

    13 1,000,000 Iran-Iraq-War, 1980-88
    14 900,000 Rwanda genocide, 1994
    15 875,000 Algeria: against France 1954-62 (675,000); between Islamists and the government 1991-2006 (200,000)
    16 850,000 Uganda, 1971-79; 1981-85; 1994-present
    17 650,000 Indonesia: Marxists 1965-66 (450,000); East Timor, Papua, Aceh etc, 1969-present (200,000)

    25 300,000 Kurds in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, 1980s-1990s

    34 140,000 Russia against Chechnya, 1994-present

    35 150,000 Lebanon civil war, 1975-90
    36 140,000 Kuwait War, 1990-91

    42 80,000 Iran, 1978-79 (revolution)
    43 75,000 Iraq, 2003-present (domestic)

    49 51,000 Arab-Israeli conflict 1950-present

    Israli-Arab conflict includes the deaths of muslim army troops. So calculate how many Israel "mass murdered" of the so called Palestinians (muslim arabs from Middle east).

  9. You cite every war on earth for your argument? Don't you think that a little odd? If you want facts relating to the subject of THIS blog, being the present situation in Gaza please read my latest post.
    We tend to 'lump' together 'all muslims' 'all jews' when there are huge differences between groups. Fundamental groups who are to true to the teachings of their religion and extremists groups who do not comply. Not all Jews are Zionists, not all Muslims are Terrorists. The world has higher expectations of Israel, as a non tribal, democratic country with close ties the the 'western' world. We expect Israel, and the USA to behave in a responsible democratic way. The Palestinians were embracing democracy (which is what you wanted right?) and not caught up in tribal warfare like so many of those other conflicts you have mentioned above. Israel SHOULD be a shining example of democracy in the middle east. Instead it is an example of EVERYTHING that is anti democratic. They have disgraced themselves, along with USA. I implore you to read latest post.

  10. PS A lot of the myths you have cited are blown to pieces in the article which I have linked in latest post "Israel's Lies"

  11. Not all muslims are terrorists, but most of the terrorists are muslims.

    I won't come back here again.
    Hope someday you will understand what Islam is preaching to. Terror, destruction and obedience



  12. And off Michael goes with his bigotry and closely clutched bag full of Israel propagandist rhetoric. He is one of many who follow the ideology put into practice in Gaza, to destroy all Palestinians and not recognise them as anything but 'refugees' and 'occupiers' withing Israel - they will NOT recognise the borders of West Bank or Gaza - read it here folks.


  13. For some reason that link won't open from here, it does from the link on right hand side of my blog. . .
