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Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Saturday, January 10, 2009

We Will Not Go Down

Burning Conscience

What really happened in the last decade or more during Israeli occupation in Palestine. First hand accounts by Israeli veteran soldiers. Brave enough to take off the blinkers. The resulting 'breaking the silence' tour information is here, http://www.shovrimshtika.org/index_e.asp along with testimonies, galleries etc all from Israeli soldiers brave enough to 'come out' about what was going on in occupied Palestine.

If Hamas is such a huge terrorist threat, why are there attacks on Israel so impotent? If they were a real threat, there would be a reversal of the situation. Israel would be occupied, their supplies almost completely cut off. They wouldn't have the luxury of going off to work, or even have jobs, or go to school, or their synagogues, or have the freedom of movement without numerous checkpoints dealing mainly in humiliation.

It's time for altruism to be embraced by the foreign policies of Israel, US, Australia, Britain and all the other Western countries. I feel shame that as an Australian we blindly follow the US in foreign 'defense' - defense is used very loosely. The golden ethic of all religions, altruism - it's time.

The real terrorists are the Israeli's and the governments and foreign policies of western countries are giving them the green light and dragging it's citizens/taxpayers along though we do NOT condone what Israel is doing and demand that it stop.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Quote Conner and Dad. "Unfortunately, the world will sit back since Hamas and many Islamist organizations embrace terrorism since it's cheap and it works (in the short run)."

If you listened to the Syrian Leader's response, and I have to agree with him, Hamas was democratically voted in. It cannot therefore be a terrorist group but a legitimate military force who's place is to defend it's own people. It is not Hamas that is invading Israel, it is Israel invading Gaza. . . AGAIN!

It is also my understanding that Hamas have never broken ceasefires, it has been Israel (and Egypt?)

The Bush administration have called 'wolf' (terrorist) before and been shown to be wrong. Hamas may well have links with terrorists groups, but the impact of what they are doing in Israel is minuscule in comparison to what Israeli forces are doing in Gaza. In fact, the Israelis have suffered fewer losses than most cities experience as road deaths on a daily bases, and almost half of them were friendly fire. What Israel is perpetrating amounts to terrorism and war crimes.

Be very aware of the use of terms they assign to themselves eg retaliate, defend, victims etc. These terms are far more appropriate, in this conflict, to be assigned to the Palestinians. Both countries have the right to defend. Israelis have warnings of rockets, they have bunkers, they have the freedom to escape. Those in Gaza do not. They are STILL trapped. They are starving, they are running out of basic need supplies. The term terrorist does not only apply to Hamas.

I do not condone terrorism, from any country, or group. The people dying in this crisis, on masse, are innocent, non militant, non terrorist civilians. Surely you must question what Israel is doing when they won't allow reporters into Gaza. When they say they allow in supplies but use those supplies in the most horendous way, to elicit information about Hamas from civilians who are desperately in need of those supplies. eg we'll give you this if . . . . When CIVILIANS are already terrorised, traumatised, starving, thirsty, should they really be subjected to further humiliation and trauma.

Israel are creating a perfect environment amongst the trauma and terror they have caused to plant the seeds of terrorists of the future. These victims will be far more receptive to a 'cause' had they not been victims in the first place. The only way they can prevent this from happening now is to ensure that the conflict stops, the hate stops and they assist in the rebuilding of Gaza, financially, with no presence, I doubt any Palestinian wants them there after the years and years of control and daily humiliation they have placed on both the resident Palestinians and those who attempt to visit. Create a Palestine that is not poverty stricken, that has it's land back to become self sufficient again, and to stop the bulldozing of Palestinian homes for Israel's own 're' settlement (another aggression by Israel against Gaza over the years and condemned by UN) eg an illegal activity. The US would also be better off assigning their millions of dollars given to Israel for their aggression and funding a strong Palestine. But no, this won't happen, they want to 'retailate' just like the 'terrorists' retaliated on Sept. 11. and the cycle will keep going.

The US and its allies seem to always have an enemy. The communists, cold war, now it seems all of Islam. There is a lot of hate for Arab ethnics. It's stereotyping, racism and fear at it's worst, again! Beware of labels. Not all Muslim, or Muslim countries are terrorists or are run by terrorists. And the label 'terrorists' does not only belong to Muslims or Muslim run countries.

The real focus though, should not be Hamas, and terrorists. The real focus should be what Israel is doing to innocent civilians in Gaza. Don't be fooled into not seeing past the labels Israel is putting on Hamas. Wouldn't it be interesting if reporting didn't include the words, Hamas, Israel etc but used ficticious names and labels. I wonder how differently people would view the conflict then.

Thanks for your comment Connor.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hamas, The Decoy: The Way I See It.

Hitler set up CONCENTRATION CAMPS and infra structure to transport Jews to them. Then Hitler and his armies secretly began the dirty job of ETHNIC CLEANSING - such a nice, shiny, sugar coated term meaning to murder massive numbers of humans belonging to a particular ethnic group, (also known as GENOCIDE and HOLOCAUST) from a particular geographic area in a systematic way and inflicting great fear, humiliation, pain and suffering, starvation, removal of all human rights.

Israel has simply changed two of these conditions to carry out the GENOCIDE of Palestinians.
1. They created a concentration camp within Palestine. Gaza. No need for transportation or rounding up. Instead they prevent escape, with the help of Egypt. They cause an implosion - starvation, poverty by blocking supplies.
2. They didn't need to even attempt to keep it secret. They simply engaged in ethnic cleansing openly, setting up a decoy, namely Hamas, that the media, the press would be able to blame for Israels incursion. They were supported by this by Arab and Western leaders and diplomats, all content to blame anyone but Israel.

Get real. Hamas didn't break the ceasefire, Israel did. Where are supplies into Palestine coming from? Are there any? Hamas is a wonderful DECOY. There are so many willing to point the finger at them instead of where it should be pointed, fairly and squarely at Israel. The decoy extends to getting media focusing on conflict WITHIN Palestine, that won't work when they are all under fire and desperate. They cannot negotiate with each other while trying to desperately survive. The efforts to resolve conflict MUST be with global powers putting extreme and total pressure on Israel to get the hell out of Gaza. Negotiate a ceasefire free of occupation, free of the stranglehold of checkpoints, and without the control of supplies into Gaza.

Safety Is A State Of Mind.

I am most fortunate. I live in Australia. But that does not make me or any other Australian immune to war. I live in Darwin. (Many people won't remember that Darwin was more heavily bombed, and suffered more casualties than Pearl Harbor). So long ago, and so fleeting. For much of the time I can be complacent about what happens in the rest of the world. But there is one place that consistently tugs at my thoughts, at my conscience and tugs at my heart. The Gaza. The terror. The horror. The injustice. Not that there can ever be justice in war. I feel completely dis empowered - what can I do? I am no one. I have no influence.

I was watching a movie the other night "Bruce ALMIGHTY". Bruce the reporter's chance to report live, the power goes off and he loses links to what news he should cover, he must present something newsworthy . . . "Fighting continues between Israel and Palestine . . .' I laughed, it was a safe bet, a sure thing, but for that reason it wasn't funny and I should not have laughed. It was like predicting the weather in Darwin during the dry season. Clear sky, no cloud, min and max temperatures always a safe bet, always a sure thing.

Watching CNN news Sunday, January 4th '09. Seeing the streaming of video of the Israeli incursion into Gaza. How can the world watch and not intervene.? No oil in Gaza . . . is it that simple? No one ever cares what happens to Arabs . . . is that it? They're Muslims, Muslims are terrorists . . . is it the stereotyping, racial and religious bias and hatred? Jews, the victims of the holocaust . . . is it the historical guilt of that?

The UN gather to make a statement . . . only the US opposes the view taken by the rest of the UN members . . . what message does this send to the world? The UN, are they also dis empowered to do anything to stop this? Who does have the power? All the Arab nations, why do they not intervene . . . fear of US retaliation (there's that word)? The United States are still holding the hand of Israel and handing over their wallet to them for arms. How does the rest of the world, and the taxpayers of the United States allow this? How do they justify it? Are they even aware of how many millions of taxpayer dollars go towards financing Israels war against Palestine?

And then it occurred to me. In the past almost everything I had seen on the news, current affairs shows etc, with the exception of some very interesting articles and some You Tube movies found over the net), had been so biased in reporting this conflict, biased in favor of Israel.

BUT CNN reporting was seemingly devoid of this today, and lately, and the rest of the world . . . demonstrating against Israels incursion and poor reasoning for their incursion (those Hamas missiles cause less death and injury than what a school yard of children could do with slingshots). Slowly opinions have been changing. For so long it seemed the Jewish owned and dominated Western world press has been able to influence the Western world and severely temper the reports of journalists and gain the sympathy 'victim' vote. How did they do that? Look back over the years at how certain words were used in reporting on this conflict. There was an Israeli media machine that controlled the linguistics of reporting. Words used to describe Palestinians = terrorist, suicide bomber, attacker, perpetrator, militant, suspect, muslims, arabs . . . . .
Israelis = defend, victim, retaliate, army, military, jews, holocaust . . . . I think you have the idea now. The power of words. Words and phrases . . . holocaust, ethnic cleansing, weapons of war, bulldozers(could it be that these are weapons of war? think about it, resettlement/relocating/disempowering/suppress/impoverish . . . Words and phrases, like the word PROPOGANDA. And what does a ceasefire mean? Does it mean the same for Palestine as it does for Israel? Of course it does not. It means continued occupation, control, fear, poverty and so much more pain for Palestinians. The ceasefire brings 'normality' back, but not a desired normality, not the desirable normality that it brings to Israel. But many Palestinians prefer that over what they have today, it's why many resent Hamas for firing into Israel. I don't condone what Hamas have done, I understand it. I don't condone what Israel has done as 'retaliation' (lol at this word in this context) and I do NOT understand it. The pursuit of a purely jewish state in the region . . . could it be that simple?

The US defending Israels 'right to defend' - apparently Palestine does not have that right . . . Israel making the most of the timing of US politics - Bush heading out Obama not yet in.
Israel attempts to shift the blame onto Hamas for firing missiles when in fact they welcomed the opportunity to 'retaliate'(ahhh that word again). The more pain and suffering Israel inflicts on Palestinians the more strength will be gained by Hamas. If not Hamas, a new regime to replace them, but they will be angry, they will be hurting badly and that hurt will anger them and their anger will be aimed at Israel. And Israelis must know that. It must put fear for the future into them. Israel and the United States are losing the grip they had on world sympathy. And not before time.

For me there, right there, is the hope for Palestinians. The shift in reporting, the shift in sympathy. The western world can access news via the web, uncensored, biased and unbiased, they can deliberate and decide for themselves and not be dependant on western media.

The other hope for Palestinians are people like Laila El-Haddad. What a brave woman. It was the interview of Laila and her father that compelled me to begin this blog. I took the title of this post from her blog. http://a-mother-from-gaza.blogspot.com/2008/12/gaza-city-under-heavy-bombardment.html. I hope there is nothing in my post that will offend or upset her and those like her.