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Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Calling on John and Yoko.

I can't help but to think that we need some John and Yoko inspiration for Gaza.
Give Peace A Chance.
The dire consequences of no solution after so many decades, so embroiled in religious history and global politics - and so much ethnic cleansing, propaganda, lies, extremists against moderates and fundamentalists - on both sides. More than anything the extremists need to be removed from the equation, those on both sides who will NOT recognize BOTH Israel AND Palestine in 2009. The racism and bigotry will lesson when those extremists are removed from the picture. The most effective way to remove them is to not heed them. If they have no ears their voice is silenced.

What concerns me most in the peace process - that has achieved no far reaching, long lasting solution to date - is that those involved are so unable to be completely objective. We hear them make comments that tell us they are not objective, that they wear their bias on their sleeves. The US/Israel coalition is SO apparent and that most western countries follow them blindly, do not question that perhaps they may be wrong - is shameful.

There is such ignorance and stereotyping of Islam and Muslims. There seems to be recognition of extremist Muslims but not extremist Jews. There seems to be an acceptance that 'most' Jews are moderate, perhaps because they are westernised? and dress and sound more like us, and have been integrated and active in our western countries for longer, to the point where they have massive influence over western media and more. In contrast many Muslims don't embrace western ways to the same degree, and don't dress entirely like us. I think what fundamentalist Muslims reject from western life we would be wise to follow their lead - for it is these things that have damaged western countries the most - alcohol, drugs, a decline of religious and moral values. But they do follow the laws of their country of residence. Islam dictates that I beleive. Muslims and Islam have been demonised by western politicians in the same way communism was years ago. When one actually meets some Muslims, befriends them, and thinks ' oh they're nice people' for Muslims. They tend to see them as exceptions rather than very representative of most fundamental Muslims and feel all warm and fuzzy because they have become friends with a Muslim and can tell themselves they are not racist, they just don't like all the other Muslims because all the rest aren't like these I've befriended. Fundamental Muslims are as appalled by extremist 'Muslim' groups as us - and condemn them as much as we do - they are not following Islam. They are not real Muslims. Extremists, fanatics DO NOT follow religion, politics, laws, rules. Not the Jewish ones, not the Muslim ones. They are cancers growing on their stated religion.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Henry Siegman - Israel's Lies

Credible sources, credible argument, a 'must' read.
Extract from conclusion -
Cordesman concludes that 'any leader can take a tough stand and claim that tactical gains are a meaningful victory. If this is all that Olmert, Livni and Barak have for an answer, then they have disgraced themselves and damaged their country and their friends.'

Let's Not Pretend.

Surely no one, not even Israelis can call this defense. To all Israeli's who say "we have the right to peace" "We have the right to defend ourselves" What about Palestinians? What rights do they have? Any????